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지구촌 돌아보기/생물탐방 生物探訪

From Two Kingdoms to Seven

by 경청 2024. 10. 5.


Ancient Foundations: The Two Kingdoms of Life

The classification of living organisms into distinct groups is a concept that dates back to ancient times, with roots in the earliest attempts to understand and categorize the natural world. The division of life into two primary kingdoms—animals and plants—originated from the works of early philosophers and naturalists. Aristotle (384–322 BC), widely considered the father of biology, laid the foundation for classifying animals in his seminal work History of Animals, where he categorized different species based on their physical characteristics and behavior. His pupil, Theophrastus (c. 371–c. 287 BC), extended this endeavor to plants in his influential text Historia Plantarum, which remained the cornerstone of botanical study for centuries. The ancient Greek philosophers believed that all living things could be divided into these two overarching groups: Regnum Animale (the animal kingdom) and Regnum Vegetabile (the plant kingdom). This simple dichotomy between animals and plants persisted for millennia, shaping the early understanding of biological diversity.

Linnaeus and the Systema Naturae: Formalizing the Two Kingdoms

The modern approach to biological classification took shape in the 18th century with the work of the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus (1707–1778). In 1735, Linnaeus published Systema Naturae, a revolutionary work that laid the foundations of modern taxonomy, the science of naming and classifying organisms. Linnaeus introduced a hierarchical system of classification that assigned organisms to specific groups based on shared characteristics. He formalized the two-kingdom concept, dividing living things into Regnum Animale (animals) and Regnum Vegetabile (plants). Linnaeus also included non-living entities in his system, assigning minerals to a third kingdom, Regnum Lapideum (the mineral kingdom). Although this inclusion of non-living entities may seem unusual by today's standards, it reflects the early attempt to create a comprehensive system that categorized all natural objects, living or non-living.

The Discovery of Microscopic Life: Challenging the Two-Kingdom System

The invention of the microscope in the 17th century dramatically expanded humanity’s understanding of life. In 1674, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch scientist often referred to as the "father of microbiology," made the groundbreaking discovery of microscopic organisms, which he called “animalcules.” These observations, sent to the Royal Society of London, revealed a hidden world of single-celled organisms that were invisible to the naked eye. This discovery posed a significant challenge to the existing two-kingdom system, as these microscopic entities did not neatly fit into either the plant or animal categories. However, despite these revolutionary findings, Linnaeus did not include microorganisms in his classification system, and the two-kingdom model continued to dominate for over a century. Microscopic organisms were initially classified as either small animals or plants, depending on their observed behavior, but their placement was often debated. By the mid-19th century, scientists began to realize that the boundaries between the plant and animal kingdoms were becoming increasingly blurred as new organisms defied traditional classification.

The Emergence of a Third Kingdom: Protista

As scientific understanding advanced, it became clear that the two-kingdom system was inadequate to account for the growing diversity of life, particularly the newly discovered microscopic organisms. In 1860, the British naturalist John Hogg proposed the creation of a third kingdom, Protoctista, to accommodate "all the lower creatures" that did not fit into the established categories of plants or animals. This included organisms like algae, fungi, and protozoa, which exhibited characteristics of both plants and animals but could not be definitively classified as either. Shortly afterward, in 1866, the German biologist Ernst Haeckel introduced the term Protista to describe these simple, primitive organisms that were neither plants nor animals. Haeckel’s work was pivotal in reshaping the classification of life, as he recognized the need to categorize single-celled organisms, such as protozoa and algae, under a separate kingdom. Haeckel’s Protista kingdom marked the first major expansion of the classification system since Linnaeus and laid the groundwork for future developments in biological taxonomy.

The Discovery of Prokaryotes and the Four Kingdoms

The advent of more sophisticated microscopy techniques in the 19th and 20th centuries revealed a fundamental distinction between two types of cells: those with a well-defined nucleus (eukaryotes) and those without a nucleus (prokaryotes). This discovery prompted further changes in the classification of life. In 1937, the French biologist Édouard Chatton introduced the terms "prokaryote" and "eukaryote" to describe these two different cellular organizations, highlighting the profound differences between organisms such as bacteria and more complex life forms like animals and plants. Building on this distinction, American biologist Herbert F. Copeland proposed a four-kingdom classification system in 1938. Copeland introduced the Kingdom Monera to accommodate prokaryotic organisms, which included bacteria and cyanobacteria (then known as blue-green algae). This system recognized the fundamental divide between prokaryotes (Monera) and eukaryotes (Protista, Plantae, and Animalia), expanding the classification of life to reflect the newfound complexity at the microscopic level.

Five Kingdoms: Recognizing Fungi as a Separate Kingdom

The distinction between fungi and plants had long been recognized, but fungi were still commonly classified as plants until the 20th century. In 1969, American ecologist Robert Whittaker proposed a revolutionary five-kingdom system, which recognized Fungi as a separate kingdom. Whittaker's system was based on differences in nutrition and cellular organization. He distinguished autotrophic organisms (plants) that produce their own food from heterotrophs (animals) that consume other organisms, and saprotrophs (fungi) that decompose organic material. This five-kingdom system—Monera (prokaryotes), Protista (unicellular eukaryotes), Plantae (autotrophic multicellular organisms), Fungi (saprotrophic multicellular organisms), and Animalia (heterotrophic multicellular organisms)—became a widely accepted framework for understanding biological diversity. It incorporated the growing knowledge of cellular structure, modes of nutrition, and the evolutionary relationships between different forms of life.

Six Kingdoms and the Rise of the Three-Domain System

The discovery of archaea in the 1970s revolutionized our understanding of prokaryotic life. Carl Woese and his colleagues, using molecular techniques to study ribosomal RNA, revealed that prokaryotes were not a homogenous group. Instead, they were divided into two fundamentally different lineages: Eubacteria (later known as Bacteria) and Archaebacteria (now called Archaea). This led to the adoption of a six-kingdom system, where the original Monera kingdom was split into two distinct kingdoms: Bacteria and Archaea. Woese's research also laid the groundwork for the three-domain system, which recognizes the deep evolutionary divide between Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryota. This system, introduced in the late 20th century, fundamentally reshaped our understanding of the tree of life and highlighted the profound genetic differences between these major groups of organisms.

Eight Kingdoms and Beyond: Cavalier-Smith's Contributions

As molecular techniques continued to evolve, taxonomists began to further refine the classification of life. Thomas Cavalier-Smith, a British biologist, was instrumental in proposing additional changes. In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, Cavalier-Smith introduced the Kingdom Chromista to account for organisms with a distinct form of chloroplast organization, such as brown algae and diatoms. He also recognized the need to divide prokaryotes based on cell membrane structures, proposing subkingdoms Negibacteria (Gram-negative bacteria) and Posibacteria (Gram-positive bacteria). Cavalier-Smith’s work culminated in a complex eight-kingdom system, which included the kingdoms Bacteria, Archaea, Protozoa, Chromista, Plantae, Fungi, and Animalia. Although some of his proposals, such as the Archezoa hypothesis, have been abandoned, Cavalier-Smith’s contributions significantly shaped modern taxonomy.

The Current Seven-Kingdom Model

In recent years, Cavalier-Smith and other taxonomists have refined the classification of life into a seven-kingdom model, which is now widely accepted in scientific circles. This model divides life into two superkingdoms—Prokaryota (comprising the kingdoms Bacteria and Archaea) and Eukaryota (comprising the kingdoms Protozoa, Chromista, Plantae, Fungi, and Animalia). This classification reflects the most advanced understanding of the evolutionary relationships between different groups of organisms, based on genetic, molecular, and morphological evidence. It is a testament to the ongoing efforts of scientists to unravel the complexity of life on Earth and provides a flexible framework that can accommodate future discoveries.


The journey from the ancient two-kingdom system to the modern seven-kingdom model has been marked by significant milestones, each reflecting a deeper understanding of the complexity and diversity of life. From the earliest observations of animals and plants to the discovery of microscopic life, prokaryotes, and eukaryotes, the classification of life has evolved in response to technological advances and scientific breakthroughs. Today, the seven-kingdom model stands as a dynamic and adaptable framework that continues to evolve as new discoveries reshape our understanding of the tree of life.


'지구촌 돌아보기 > 생물탐방 生物探訪' 카테고리의 다른 글

Kingdom - Animalia  (0) 2024.10.05
Kingdom - Fungi  (0) 2024.10.05
Kingdom Plantae  (0) 2024.10.05
Kingdom Chromista  (0) 2024.10.05
Kingdom - Protozoa  (0) 2024.10.05